Nov 9, 2016


The things you get excited about as a working parent can seem pretty mundane. The most ordinary things become rare and valuable commodities--reading, sleep, watching a movie, not having to cook.

I'm so excited about the upcoming Thanksgiving Break. Normally I tend to want to catch up during vacations: Do some organizing in the house, get caught up on some projects, take care of another few of the endless round of non-teaching tasks that I can't get to on school days.

But this coming Thanksgiving vacation I plan to totally relax. I've been daydreaming about sleeping late, reading, watching movies on Netflix.  Maybe I'll do a Thanksgiving morning Turkey Trot. Perhaps I'll make some pies.  But mostly this break I just want to rest.  Of course I know this isn't entirely possible. You can't take a vacation from parenting.  But I'd like to get as close as I can to total indolence for that week.

And I'm pretty psyched that hard on the heels of Thanksgiving is the Christmas holidays and 11 luxurious days in Florida with my family!

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