May 6, 2020

Dispatch from Coronaville: #dayofinfamy

A few questions as our liberal president steers our nation straight into the maw of another senseless war barely twenty years since the last one.

This so-called Day of Infamy. Let's think about that for a second. Japan is an island nation on the other side of the world. How is it possible that they were able to launch a devastating attack on American soil?  There are no bombers with the range to get from the land of the Rising Sun to our military base in Hawaii. I know they say the attack was launched from Japanese aircraft carriers.  But can we seriously be expected to believe that they could launch enough planes from BOATS to cause the supposed level of damage to our fleet at Pearl Harbor?  And why would Japan risk attacking the most powerful nation on earth, raising our wrath when we were essentially leaving them alone?  It doesn't make sense! THINK, sheeple!  Don't just buy what the government and it's media mouthpieces want you to believe!  Did you know there were Japanese envoys in Washington DC the day of this supposed "attack", negotiating with our government?  Why would they be there if they knew that their country was supposed to attack ours?  Check out my link to retired General J.D. McCAbe's fascinating radio address where he debunks this whole notion of a Japanese attack as nonsense. He points out numerous errors in the official "footage" of the burning ships at Pearl Harbor.  As a decorated World War I veteran, this man knows his stuff but he's not in the employ of FDR and his deep state operatives so he will tell it like it is.

And the "casualty count" for this "attack"?  Inflated. I have a doctor friend in Hawaii who told me that they are being pressured to count every sailor death as having come from this attack. A poor guy bangs into a coconut tree in his jeep after a wild night out and instantly, he's a victim at Pearl Harbor. It's shameful.

No, friends, I'll tell you what this is.  This is a power grab by Franklin "Dictator" Roosevelt, a president that has been trying to grow the reach of government since the day he got elected in 1932. Look at the pile of socialist big government waste he's foisted on us with his multitude of alphabet soup handouts. It's a travesty.  If that wasn't enough, he's now concocted this enemy in Japan to further extend the tentacles of Big Government. It's a known fact that FDR has been secretly providing aid to Great Britain and other European nations in their fight with Nazi Germany--this without the approval or consent of Congress or the American people! He's been itching to get into this war and now he has the perfect excuse!

And look at the results! Our freedoms are being taken away daily.  Our food is being rationed for "the war effort".  Look I ought to be able to decide how much butter or meat I want to eat. I don't need the government telling me how much I can consume.  Fuel is being rationed and you have to have a special pass that shows your work is "essential" to the war effort to be allowed more.  Who are they to decide who and what is "essential"?   Our factories are being forced to manufacture materials for FDR's war machine. I can't even buy a new car this year! They are drafting our young men and they have to go whether they want to or not. And guess where most of them are going? Not to the Pacific, but to Europe.  Surprise, surprise apparently Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy are now our "first priority."  Our boys dying in the cause of ever greater government control over our lives.

"Don't you know there's a war on?" That's what the war boosters always say when they want to guilt us into living under the government's thumb. But my question is, is there really a war on? Or are we all being played?

Let those who have ears let them hear.

The Numbers by the month: I thought it might be interesting to look at how things have changed in the past month. Since April 6, we've seen a 236% increase in the number COVID-19 cases.  From 365,000 to 1.2 million in a month's time.  With a rate of increase half that amount, we should be looking at a total of 2.4 million by June 6. Total deaths have increased 565% from around 10,000 to over 72,000. At half that rate we should be looking at 275,000 deaths by June 6.

As of today, the total cases of COVID-19 in the Unites States are 1,228,764, an increase of 6.5% and about 17,000 less than I predicted.  The total deaths are 72,618, an increase of 7.8% and 270 deaths more than I predicted. Of course the latest thing going around the internet is that "they" are forcing doctors to call practically every death a Coronavirus death. It makes me wonder how bad it has to get before some people are willing to accept that this is really an actual thing that is happening. Meg Paulins, a friend of a friend on Facebook commented on one of these articles and I have copied her thoughts below. I don't claim her as some great authority, but since practically everybody these days is out there shopping their opinions based on "common sense", I figure why not:

  "Hospitals get paid different amounts, for different types of patients, because they get different care. That's always been true. But hospitals don't label deaths wrong to try to squeeze more money out of insurance on a regular basis, even though technically they could try -- because it is major fraud, doctors would lose their licenses, and whole facilities could be shut down.  
Hospitals, I very much doubt, are suddenly going to start committing widespread fraud, just for some extra bucks, to falsely lie about coronavirus patients.

They know that the information on coronavirus cases, and the deaths, will be scrutinized like crazy, by multiple groups, for years. As they analyze data to see what similarities patients had, what treatments worked, how the disease progressed, etc. If they were falsely labeling cases as coronavirus deaths, but there was zero treatment done to match coronavirus- they would get caught. All it takes is one family to take a death certificate with coronavirus in it, for a patient who clearly did not die of coronavirus-- to start a lawsuit that could ruin a hospital.
All these stories keep "saying" someone died of another cause but got s death certificate with COVID19 as the cause of death.... But there has not been one single case of that proven, and not a single court case pending.
Of course they get paid more to help offset caring for pandemic patients. That doesn't mean the hospitals are committing major fraud. That just makes zero sense."

This is the kind of non-conspiracy theory thinking that I really appreciate. Most conspiracy theories rely on people behaving more like movie villains and demonstrating a level of discipline and cooperation that we just don't see in real life. I believe that people behave like people, not cackling supervillains and mindless Storm Troopers.  I find it particularly ironic that the same people that are first to decry the ineptitude of the government are also the ones arguing that the government can pull off massive cover-ups like this without a hitch (except that we all somehow know it if we would just stop being sheeple. . .What kind of conspiracy is that? The whole point is that no one knows it's happening. . ..)

 Based on the last three days, I project we will have 1,308,633 total cases of the Coronavirus in the United States by Saturday, May 9. We will also have 78,282 deaths.

New Cases

New Deaths

It kind of sucks to be Ohio. Our new cases have jumped and our deaths are once again off the chart: 204 new deaths since Sunday! Meanwhile Florida and Nebraska have dropped in both numbers of new cases and deaths.

Total Cases of COVID-19
Florida: 37,341 total cases, 0.17% of the population. This is a 174% increase in the past month. An increase of half that amount should bring Florida to 69,828 cases by June 6.
Ohio: 21,576 total cases, 0.18% of the population. This is a 385% increase in the past month. An increase of half that amount should bring Ohio to 63,217 cases by June 6.
Nebraska: 6,505 total cases, 0.33% of the population. This is a 1,385% increase in the past month. An increase of half that amount over the next month (which seems a stretch to me) would bring total cases to 51,584 by June 6.

Total Deaths of COVID-19
Florida: 1,470 total deaths, a rate of 3.9%. This is a 481% increase over the past month. An increase of half that percentage would bring 5,012 deaths by June 6.
Ohio: 1,225 total deaths, a rate of 5.7%.  This a 763% increase in the past month. An increase of half that percentage would bring Ohio to 5,905 surpassing Florida's death count by June 6.
Nebraska: 83 total deaths, a rate of 1.3%. This is 822% increase in the past month. An increase of half that percentage would bring 424 deaths by June 6.

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