Dec 23, 2017

The Worst

Prompt: Write about your worst habit

Are you kidding me? My worst habit? Really?

My best guest for many human beings on this planet, especially those of us of the "upstanding citizen" variety; those of us who strive for the Gold Star, the Good Boy Award.  For us, the worst habits are the ones that are practiced in the mind, outside of the view of all but themselves and an all-seeing God.

And those habits are maybe more insidious, more dangerous, more destructive in the long-term than the public habits that get the bad rep. Or maybe they're not? No harm, no foul, right?  That's what I tell myself a lot, but sometimes I'm not sure about that.

There's a song by Switchfoot I relate to a lot called The War Inside:

"I am the war inside
I am the battle line
I am the rising tide
I am the war I fight
Eyes open, open wide
I can feel it like a crack in my spine
I can feel it like the back of my mind
I am the war inside"

Scripture talks about the pride of life, the lust of the eyes and of the flesh.  These are the battles we rage while the surface is calm, polished, and put together.  To talk about the truth of my worst habits is to reveal the worst of myself.  And I don't have the courage to do that.

What is my worst habit that people know about?  Probably interrupting people.  But what is there to say about that other than that I'm aware of it, working on it, trying to do better.

But the real battle?

Aint no killer like pride
No killer like I
No killer like what's inside

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